While using our website, and services and features available there, you give us information that makes it possible to determine your personal data. As you use particular services or features, you may give your data to entities which we cooperate with directly or indirectly. We collect this information for marketing reasons and to provide you with the best services. We have prepared this Policy to inform you about the kind of data we collect, with what aims and on what basis, and how we may use this data. All information included in this Policy is essential for the protection of your rights and freedoms, so please, read this document thoroughly.

While processing your data, we follow legal regulations, especially those included in the regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the General Data Protection Regulation) – later referred to as GDPR. We also follow Polish law, including the regulation of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data.

Processed data

We process data which you give away or leave behind as you use our website. It is usually information necessary to contact us, or to create an account in order to use our services and features, for example your name, surname and e-mail address provided in forms and windows available on our website. What is more, we process data you leave while browsing our website, including those left in cookies. We also process other data which you give away voluntarily in some features we share with you, and which concern your preferences, hobbies, habits, addresses or detailed contact information. If you have doubts about the scope of information we collect, please read more detailed privacy information available on each subpage. You can also at any time contact us to ask about the scope of data we process.

Controller of personal data

The controller of your personal data is YOUARTME sp. z o.o. (a limited liability company) with its headquarters in Toruń, UL. KONSTANTEGO ILDEFONSA GAŁCZYŃSKIEGO 48/8, 87-100 TORUŃ, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court in Toruń, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number: 0000384493, NIP (tax id): 9562288873, REGON: 34090347000000, tel: 730 577 367, e-mail: d.klugowski@candellana.com

Person responsible for supervising the processing of personal data

We have appointed a person responsible for supervising the processing of personal data, who you can contact in all matters regarding the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights related to this processing. If you have any questions or concerns, you can use the contact details below:

E-mail:  d.klugowski@candellana.com

Aims and legal bases for processing

We process your data with the following aims and in accordance with the following legal bases:

1. with the aim to execute concluded contracts; here, the legal basis is art. 6 sec. 1 letter b) of GDPR – indispensability to perform the contract to which you are a party, until the expiry of this contract, with the proviso that sometimes these data may also be processed after the expiry of the contract, but only if it is allowed or required under applicable law, e.g. processing in connection with pursuing claims, settlements, handling complaints and exercising consumer rights, or for statistical purposes

2. for purposes related to tax settlements and the implementation of other obligations resulting from legal provisions, including reporting obligations, and the basis is art. 6 sec. 1 letter c) of GDPR – necessity to fulfil the legal obligation incumbent on the Controller;

3. if you give additional consent – also for direct marketing, in particular for the purpose of sending you information about products, promotions and services provided, as well as making offers and proposals to conclude a contract, and in this scope for direct electronic contact via e-mail, and the basis is art. 6 sec. 1 letter a) of GDPR and art. 172 of the Act of July 16, 2004 – Telecommunications Law (i.e. of September 15, 2017, Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1907, as amended) – voluntary consent of the user, and art. 6 sec. 1 letter f) of GDPR – legitimate interest of the Controller only in the scope of data storage;

4. for statistical measurements related to marketing, including analysing and profiling data for marketing purposes regarding our products and services, or adjusting the content to your preferences by suggesting products or services, and the basis is art. 6 sec. 1 letter f) of GDPR – legitimate interest of the Controller.

Voluntary data provision

Providing personal data is voluntary, however, remember that in the case of products and services, failure to provide data marked as necessary to order products or provide services will prevent their provision. Moreover, if you want to contact us, failure to provide data marked as necessary will prevent us from responding to your query and make further communication impossible.

Data recipients

Your personal data may be processed on the basis of entrusting processing by the following categories of entities: accounting offices, certification companies, website administrators or IT service.

Your personal data may also be shared or entrusted to subcontractors, courier companies, intermediaries or representatives. If the data is entrusted to other entities, we will inform you immediately by means of a written, electronic or telephone message or a message on the website or in your Account.

In addition, your data may also be transferred to entities authorized to obtain them on the basis of applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement authorities in the event of a request by the authority on an appropriate legal basis (e.g. for the purposes of pending criminal or civil proceedings).

Your data may, in some cases, be transferred to recipients from third countries, i.e. from countries outside the European Economic Area (European Union + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), in particular if it is necessary for the provision of services to you, or if it results from a different legal basis. You will find information about such necessity before placing an order, commencing the provision of services, or before filling out the contact form.

Rights related to the processing of personal data

You have the right to:

– access your data, obtain a copy of the data and the right to rectify it,

– request that your personal data be deleted at any time,

– request that the processing of your personal data be limited,

– object to further data processing,

– transfer data in a commonly used machine-readable format, e.g. to print or save it in the computer memory,

– file a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the law.

If your data is processed on the basis of consent or as part of the order or service provided, you can additionally use the right to transfer data in a commonly used format that allows, for example, the data to be printed or saved in the computer memory. You can send the data to another data controller.

Remember that you have the right to withdraw your consent to processing at any time without affecting the validity of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

You can exercise each of the rights listed above by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address: d.klugowski@candellana.com

Information on cookies and other similar technologies

The entity placing information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on your end device (e.g. a computer, laptop, smartphone, or a TV with smart technology) and accessing them is the Administrator, and sometimes processing entities providing analytical services, advertisers, app developers, or ad agencies. You will be informed about changes in the number and designation of entities that have access to your data through changes to the Privacy Policy.

For the sake of clarification, it should be indicated that cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on your end device. Cookies usually contain the name of the website domain they come from, the storage time on the end device and a unique number. Cookies are not used to identify the user and the user’s identity is not determined on their basis, only the habits or preferences of a given person can be determined with the use of cookies.

Our website may place cookies in your browser if the browser allows it. Importantly, the browser allows the website to access only cookies placed by that website, and not files placed by other websites.

We would like to inform you that we use cookies and other similar technologies in order to:

  • fulfil orders and provide services,
  • adjust the content of websites and applications to your preferences and optimize the use of websites; cookies allow, in particular, to recognize your device and properly display the website tailored to your individual settings or needs;
  • create statistics on the use of different features on our website, which allows us to improve their structure and content.

We use two types of cookies, depending on the time span in which they are stored:

  • session – temporary files stored on your end device until you log out, leave the website or application, or turn off the software (web browser);
  • persistent – stored on your end device for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until they are deleted by the User.

Whereas if we take into consideration the aim of cookies, we use the following types:

  • files necessary for the operation of services and features on our website – they enable the use of our services, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication;
  • files used to ensure security, e.g. ones used to detect fraud in the field of authentication;
  • files that enable the collection of information on the use of websites and features;
  • files that enable “remembering” the settings you selected and personalizing your user interface, e.g. in terms of the language or region you come from, font size, website design, etc.;
  • advertising files that enable the delivery of advertising content more tailored to your interests;
  • statistical files used to keep statistics on websites and features.

Duration of data storage

If we process your data in order to perform the contract or provide services, we store them until the termination of the contract and for the next 6 years.

If we process your data for direct marketing purposes, we store them until you withdraw your consent to their processing. After the consent is withdrawn or the storage period expires, your personal data will be removed from all data carriers.

However, data for statistical purposes are stored for a period of 1 year in a way that prevents identification.

Managing browser settings

In many cases, the software used for browsing websites (web browser) by default allows the storage of information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on the User’s end device. However, you can change these settings at any time. Failure to make changes means that the above-mentioned information may be posted and stored on your end device, and thus that we will store information on your end device and access this information. From the level of the web browser you use, it is possible, for example, to manage cookies yourself. The most popular browsers allow you to:

– allow cookies, which lets users take full advantage of the options offered by websites;

– manage cookie files at the level of individual websites selected by the user;

– define settings for various types of cookies, for example, accept persistent files as session files, etc.;

– block or delete cookie files.

Detailed information is available on software settings (of your browser):

Internet Explorer – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/196955/pl

Mozilla Firefox – http://support.mozilla.org/pl/products/firefox/cookies

Chrome – http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=pl&answer=95647

Opera – http://help.opera.com/Linux/9.22/pl/cookies.html


Please be advised that limiting or denying of the use of cookies and other similar technologies may affect some of the features available on our website and may limit or disable the possibility of adjusting the website to your needs or preferences.

Additional information on cookies and other technologies can be found in the Help section in your browser’s menu, as well as on many popular websites related to internet security which you can find from the level of a web browser by entering the phrase “cookies”.

To the best of our knowledge, we have implemented all security and data protection measures required by law and technical standards, and your personal data is processed with due diligence and properly protected against access by unauthorized persons.